Welcome to the
Financial Literacy & retirement planning
registration DESK
financial literacy and retirement planning
Why attend This Training?
Attending a Financial Literacy & Retirement Planning training equips you with essential knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions, plan effectively for retirement, achieve financial independence, manage and reduce debt, avoid scams, and enhance overall financial security and well-being.

27th June, 2025 | Protea Hotel, Kololo
Topic 1 - 08:00 am
Introduction to Financial Literacy, Understanding money matters.
Session1: Money is good - The Myths
Session2: Understanding, defining and respecting your money
Session3: Time value for money
Session4: Personal credit management policy
Topic 2 - 11:30 am
Fundamental Skills of Earning, Budgeting,Spending, Borrowing and Investing
Session1: Fundamental Skills of earning
Session2: Dynamics of budgeting/managing expenditure
Session3: Borrowing and Investing
Session4: Risk and Insurance
Topic 3 - 2:00 pm
Planning Preparation for Retirement, Tomorrow can be managed Today.
Session1: What's retirement and the myths
Session2: What is retirement and planning
Session3: Setting Financial goals
Session4: Health and wealth
Topic 4, 05:00 pm
Group Work - Preparing Session Action Points and Accountability Partners.
Session1: Groups write down action points from session 1
Session2: Groups write down action points from session 2
Session3: Groups write down action points from session 3
Session4: Groups then agree on submission of reports to EBC
Can anyone instead have this training customized for their organization or business?
YES, get in touch with Dorah: 0773083422
Is this fee negotiable?
YES, if an organisation or business is booking for more than 5 people.
Can the organization pay in kind rather than cash?
YES, discuss details with Dorah: 0773083422
Will certificates be issued?
YES, at the end of 3 months execution and review period.
Does this fee cover for any taxes?
Will there be a provision for online classes?
Will there be printed manuals after training?
NO, all materials will be circulated online.
Does the fee cover all meals of the day?
Can I attend as an individual?
When is the payment deadline?
7 Days to the event
Do you accept cash? Cheques, LPO's, Mobile Money?